Creative LEGO DIY Projects
1 LEGO USB Flash Drive. LEGO USB Flash Drive: In this instructable I will show you how to make a mod and make a Lego thumb drive, so get out your old Lego collection and start building! You Need: -Thumb Drive -Lego bricks -Super glue -Razor blade -Dremel (via Emsaid)
2 LEGO Millennium Falcon
LEGO Millennium Falcon (via Doodlecraftblog)
3 Party Invitations
Party Invitations (via Little Family Fun)
4 Desk Organizer
Desk Organizer: This LEGO desk organizer is a simple way for kids to get more organized with their homework area – simple to make and a fun desk accessory! (via Kids Activities Blog)
5 Mason Jar LEGO Lamp
Mason Jar LEGO Lamp: How To Make A LEGO Minifigure Mason Jar Lamp + LEGO Brick Lampshade (via One Savvy Mom)
6 LEGO Clock
LEGO Clock: How to make a LEGO Clock. (via Kid Things)
7 Paper Bag Lego Man Puppet
Paper Bag Lego Man Puppet: Today I made this fun lego man paper bag puppet that kids can do too! I would recommend older kids for this craft because its a lot of cutting and gluing. Perfect for making after watching the Lego movie! Materials Needed: Orange, brown, yellow, blue, black, and red paper Scissors Glue Paper bag Skinny black (via Crafty Morning)
8 Pencil Holder
Pencil Holder: Here’s a quick & easy craft project for all the LEGO fans out there (who isn’t?) from super fab Brazilian illustrator and crafter Estfi Machado. (via Handmade Charlotte)
9 Key Hanger
Key Hanger: I think my LEGO obsession is well documented by now so I immediately jumped for joy over this key hanger from Felix Grauer. Using some basic LEGO bricks you might have leftover from childhood and some easily obtained split rings, you could make your very own based off of this nifty design. (via Design Milk)
10 Crochet LEGO Blanket
Crochet LEGO Blanket (via All Things Bright and Beautiful)
11 LEGO Necklace
LEGO Necklace (via The Long Thread)
12 Playable LEGO Ukulele
Playable LEGO Ukulele: Ross Crawford’s brick ukulele can be played and its four strings are tuned to C, F, A and D. This model has to be able to withstand the tension of 4 fairly (via Make)
13 Mini Figure Soaps
Mini Figure Soaps: Yes, friends, the Valentine’s season is upon us, and it’s time to find some non-caloric ways to say “I Love You.” (Just like Fred Rodgers used to say! Well, sorta. ) So this year, since Legos are all the rage at my house, I figured that some nice Mini Figs would be a great gift. But why just GIVE (via Crafttestdummies.com)
14 Family Portrait
Family Portrait: We are big into Legos over here. Finn was bit by the Lego bug right before he turned four, and after getting Legos for his birthday, he has amassed an impressive collection. I despise picking teeny bricks out of the carpet. I loathe fishing them out of the air registers. And when I step on (via Another Big Bite)
15 Earrings
Earrings: Make these simple Lego earrings using Lego bricks and a few basic jewelry supplies. Once your Lego earrings are complete, you can customize them with additional legos! (via 30 minute Crafts)
16 LEGO Soap and Hand Sanitizer
LEGO Soap and Hand Sanitizer: A tutorial on how to make your own soap and hand sanitizer filled with Legos. Lego soap is easy Lego craft to make. (via Rockin Boys Club)
17 Candy Dispenser
Candy Dispenser: Build a working candy dispenser out of Legos! Got M&Ms? Or Skittles? Even if you dont do trick-or-treating, it seems like there is always plenty of candy floating around during this time of the year Add a little creativity to your kids sugar high with this fun Lego project! This Lego candy dispenser uses pieces…Read More (via Frugal Fun for Boys)
18 LEGO Skull
LEGO Skull (via Skull A Day)
19 Round Lamp Base
Round Lamp Base: Good Afternoon, LEGO friends! Welcome back to brickablocks.com! Its been a while since we shared any new instructions with you, so we would like to address that today b (via brickablocks)
20 Mini Figure Necklace
Mini Figure Necklace: Us (via lilblueboo)
21 Snow Globes
Snow Globes: This post is sponsored by Loctite Repair Network I am a bit of a Lego fan (as you know) and have been making these glitter globes from Lego mini-figures and old jars. Its a great Christmas craft for the kids and something you could do in the holidays to keep your little ones occupied before (via minieco.co.uk)
22 Friendship Bracelets
Friendship Bracelets: LEGO friendship bracelet (via Centsible Life)
23 LEGO Tic Tac Toe Board
LEGO Tic Tac Toe Board: You can make a LEGO game. It’s easier than you think with this simple Tic Tac Toe board made completely from LEGOS. Your kids will love this fun LEGO game! (via Kids Activities Blog)
24 LEGO Crayons
LEGO Crayons: In addition to the LEGO Soap I made for my sons 4th Birthday party, I also made these super cute LEGO crayons. I try not to include cheap plastic junk in the goody bags. I know we don t need more of that in our house, and I m sure it s the same with our party guests too. (via 2 Little Superheroes)
25 Marble Run
Marble Run: Build a Lego marble run with your crafty kids and see who can get the marble through the maze first! (via The Crafty Mummy)
26 Calm Down Jar
Calm Down Jar: A twist on the classic calm down jar. 2 Ingredients.. Shake.. and wait! Great for calming anxious children (via Lemon Lime Adventures)
27 Balloon Powered Car
Balloon Powered Car: A rainy afternoon and a restless boy is the perfect condition for creating a balloon powered Lego car! (via The Crafty Mummy)
28 LEGO Sewing Machine
LEGO Sewing Machine: LEGOs, LEGOs everywhere I even have LEGOs in my coffee cup every day. My little ladybird puts one in each morning with a great deal of exuberance. It is our funny ritual. She goes running to get a LEGO when she first sees me with coffee in hand. Speaking of LEGOs dum da da dum, drumroll please. so many people who read this blog or have stopped in for a visit are just here because of the little LEGO sewing machine that I made while daydreaming during a LEGO-building session with the kiddos two years ago (see post here). My little LEGO Bernina gets a lot of love on Pinterest. (via Carrie Bloomston)
29 Switch Plates
Switch Plates: Buying a new house is awesome because you get a whole clean slate to decorate. You know, put all those HGTV things to work that you sat and watched idly over the past six years. Putting the boys rooms together has been a highlight of the new house. Their spaces are so much bigger. BigBrother Continue reading LEGO Switchplates Brighten Up the Boys Rooms (via Stop Drop and Blog)
30 Cute LEGO Snowflakes
Cute LEGO Snowflakes (via Pink Stripey Socks)
31 Headphones
Headphones: I decided to combine the two things that I love most: music and LEGO. This whole project took me about a month and a half, very on and off. I’m quite pleased with how the headphones turned out in the end, as they are sturdy enough to be tossed around in a bag. My favorite part is that I can take it apart any time to make repairs that may be needed on the go. No tools necessary! The only major problem is that there is a lot of sound escaping from the headphones. What would be the best way to insulate the sound? Any suggestions on how to make these better would be much appreciated! If you plan on making yourself a pair of these, a few words of advice: – Make them lighter and smaller so they don’t add too much weight to your head while indulging yourself … (via Justin Lam)
32 LEGO Shaped Gummy Candy
LEGO Shaped Gummy Candy (via Grant Thompson – “The King of Random”)
33 LEGO Soap
LEGO Soap (via Just Crafty Enough)
34 Washi Tape LEGO
Washi Tape LEGO: Transform your old Lego Duplo blocks with some washi tape. These washi tape lego duplo blocks are colorful and can be used for matching patterns! (via No Time for Flash Cards)
35 LEGO Stamped Gift Wrap
LEGO Stamped Gift Wrap: This LEGO-stamped gift wrap is perfect for adding a personal touch to birthday gifts! Plus, it is a great art activity for LEGO lovers! (via I Can Teach My Child!)
36 LEGO Bookends
LEGO Bookends: When I first saw this bookend by Deborah Higdon I was suitably delighted by the cute design and well-crafted micro-scale train. And then I noticed the book. (via Brothers Brick)
37 Lego Keychains
Lego Keychains (via Readapta 2.0)
38 LEGO Gift Boxes
LEGO Gift Boxes: Download and print these Lego gift boxes. They would make perfect favor boxes at a Lego party, or just a fun way to give a small gift to a child. (via Lines Across)
39 LEGO Jewelry Crafts
LEGO Jewelry Crafts: Show a bit of affection to your kids – or your hubby, wife or parenting partner – with these spiffy chain-link bracelet craft projects. (via Metro Parent)
40 Specimen Art
Specimen Art: Supplies Shadow Frame Metal Sharpie Metal Cutters Lego Magnet Figures Lego Star Wars Specimen Art Tutorial Remove the back of your frame, matte, and glass so all you have is the frame. I bought a roll of metal a few months ago for my Valentines Countdown frame. I had a lot of metal left over…Read More (via Makoodle)
41 iPhone Camera
iPhone Camera: Be the life of the party when you start taking real photos with a Lego camera!!! In reality, this is just a case for an iPhone 4, but the iPhone 4 is a very capable picture taker and its small form factor makes it ideal for serving as the guts of this Lego camera. Difficulty Level: Easy Approximate assembly time: 30-45 minutes This design features an ornamental lens made of a wheel, a viewfinder, and a fake shutter release button. As you can see on the front of the camera, there is an opening for the actual lens of the iPhone. The back of the camera features a large opening which allows you to access the home button and the entire touch surface of the phone. An important convenience feature is the hinged door on the side for the camera which allows for easy insertion and removal of the phone… (via mkim00)
42 Space Lego Smiley Helmet Cufflinks
Space Lego Smiley Helmet Cufflinks (via Cufflinks)
43 Double Lego Rainbow
Double Lego Rainbow (via LEGO Page)
44 LEGO Cufflinks
LEGO Cufflinks: When your husband also becomes the father of your child, there’s no question that the relationship changes immeasurably. You go through things together that you could never imagine as a footloose,… (via Kate’s Creative Space)
45 Coat Rack
Coat Rack: Check out this tutorial for a DIY Lego Coat Rack! (via DIY On the Cheap)
46 LEGO Flash Drive Bracelet
LEGO Flash Drive Bracelet: I have seen a number USB flash drives bracelets around and really liked the idea. It seems like a convenient way to keep a flash drive handy, though it does seem a bit geeky. Now I am not one to shy away from my inner geek, rather I figured I would take it to another level and make a Lego flash drive bracelet. (via ChrysN)
47 IKEA LEGO Table
IKEA LEGO Table: TOKI WOKI. Visual, dev, music, more. (via TOKI WOKI. Blog)
48 LEGO Crayons
LEGO Crayons: Hey Folks, Here is a quick an simple way to recycle old crayons (or use new ones) to make really cool lego crayons. A friend recently made some of these as a present, and being an avid lego fan (and father to a growing fan) I had to try these out. You will find tons of tutorials on the web on how to make these, and to be honest you could make crayons from any time of silicon mold you have. I bought my mold on ebay for about £4, but if you are super adventurous, here are some Instructables by other members on how to make silicon molds. http://www.instructables.com/id/Worlds-easiest-silicone-mold/ http://www.instructables.com/id/Two-Part-Silicone-Casting/ http://www.instructables.com/id/Using-Silicone-Caulking-to-Make-Molds/ Enjoy (via scooter76)
49 LEGO Cable Holder
LEGO Cable Holder (via Modernistic Design)
50 LEGO Earrings
LEGO Earrings: Using a few simple materials you can create LEGO earrings with this Easy Lego Earrings Craft Tutorial (via Coupons are Great)
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