Easy Valentine’s Day DIY Craft Ideas
A collection of crafty ideas that we gathered in one place to help your kids make their own amazing gifts.
1 Doily Butterflies
Doily Butterflies (via scrumdilly-do!)
2 Doily Banner
Doily Banner: We have been having so much fun creating Valentines crafts such as Valentines Day Cards Using Shaving Cream and Hearts with Black Glue.Recently, we made a Valentines Day Banner that has been brightening up our home. My favorite things about it? The fact that it was cheap (the…Read More (via Mess for Less)
3 Lollipop Lilly
Lollipop Lilly: Here is another free valentine download for you! This one is much simpler! Download the files, cut and assemble! Lollipop Lily Leaf You might also be interested in these Valentines Day Ideas. (via Skip to My Lou)
4 Tic Tac Toe Hearts
Tic Tac Toe Hearts: Oooh, little heart bean bags are the centerpiece of this Valentine’s Day craft. Perfect for a game of Valentine Tic Tac Toe. Or, juggling. We’re crafty like (via Alpha Mom)
5 Heart Barrettes
Heart Barrettes: Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Mari’s adorable baby daughter Julia. She was wearing the cutest little outfit, including a hand-knit sweater, topped off by a tiny little snap clip barrette in her hair. I had never seen such a teeny tiny barrette. It was so cute that I decided then and there that I would make a project using a set of barrettes just like it. (via Purl Soho)
6 Homemade Playdough Hearts
Homemade Playdough Hearts: Our Valentines Day kids craft was inspired (indirectly) by my daughters preschool. Instead of buying Play-Doh, every month one of the parents is assigned to make homemade playdough for the classroom.January was my month, and I knew that as soon as we made it K would want to play with it. Instead of letting her (via The Suburban Mom)
7 Heart Photo Ornament
Heart Photo Ornament: Since my Christmas photo ornament was such a hit I decided to whip up a Valentine’s heart ornament to share! I used photos of my lovely daughter and the tutorial is included! You can make this ornament with 2 photo… (via scrappergirl)
8 Mosaic Heart
Mosaic Heart: Weekly local newsletter of kid-friendly events and activities. (via Macaroni Kid)
9 Valentine Wristlets
Valentine Wristlets (via Plum Pudding)
10 Shaken Painted Hearts
Shaken Painted Hearts: An active way for toddlers to make Valentine’s Day art! So, literally, get moving and get creative.This Valentine’s Day art is also a no-mess art activity! (via Hands on as We Grow)
11 Valentine Fortune Cookies
Valentine Fortune Cookies: Today we are over at celebrating her event where I am showing you how we are sending a little extra love this season. See you there! (via Simple Simon and Company)
12 Polka Dot Heart Top
Polka Dot Heart Top (via hazel and company)
13 Valentine Handprint
Valentine Handprint: Hope everyone’s day was filled with lots of hugs and kisses! We made these cute Handprint Valentines and the grandparents all loved them. We spent our day making love notes, playing outside in this beautiful weather and eating lots of sugar! All I did for these notes was trace a heart with a pencil and (via I Heart Nap Time)
14 Yarn Wrap Wooden Hearts
Yarn Wrap Wooden Hearts (via 2 little hooligans)
15 I Love You This Much Card
I Love You This Much Card (via Day In My Life)
16 You Da Bomb Candy Valentine
You Da Bomb Candy Valentine: We just loved this cute Valentine idea when we saw it over on Make It Do. What a perfect gift for my kids teachers, don’t you think? Have you noticed that we are into all this corny stuff? I like the goofy sayings. These were so easy to make (double bonus!) We used Rolos (via Making Memories With Your Kids)
17 Counting Down to Valentines with 14 Acts of Love
Counting Down to Valentines with 14 Acts of Love: Valentines seems to come and go so quickly. Once February starts, I’m only thinking of what candy to buy and cards to make for my children’s classmates. I thought it would be fun to do more as a family this… Continue Reading (via Make and Takes)
18 The Day it Rained Hearts
The Day it Rained Hearts (via I Heart Crafty Things)
19 Picture Holder
Picture Holder: Valentine’s Day picture frame craft for kids. Make this cute (via All Kids Network)
20 Bee Valentine’s Mailbox
Bee Valentine’s Mailbox (via Mom Endeavors)
21 Recycled Seed Paper Heart
Recycled Seed Paper Heart: I love clever projects that the kids can make for friends and family. It makes the project more special to your kids, because they worked so hard to make it. This is a great way to use any old newspaper or used computer paper. (via JaMonkey)
22 Cupcake Liner Cards
Cupcake Liner Cards: I’m enchanted with cupcake liners and there are so many different styles to choose from these days. The problem is, most of the design that compelled me to buy them gets lost once cupcakes are baked in them. I’ve even… (via Urban Comfort)
23 Heart Pencil Toppers
Heart Pencil Toppers: Everyone needs something for writing love notes at this time of the year, right? Actually, Vanessa painted these pencils before Christmas and planned to make candy cane toppers for them but never finished. When I found them in a box in the closet, I realized that they are the perfect colors for Valentines Day Pencils! (via The Gunny Sack)
24 Tissue Paper Heart Suncatcher
Tissue Paper Heart Suncatcher: Create magic with the easy Valentine’s Day craft for kids (via Makobi Scribe)
25 Valentine’s Day Marshmallow Pops
Valentine’s Day Marshmallow Pops: Looking for cute ideas for Valentines Day? This one is great, makes the perfect Valentines Day craft for kids. Who needs Valentine cards when you can pass out these yumm (via Mommy GAGA)
26 Heart Hand Stamp
Heart Hand Stamp: Heart hand stamps by Khali from Little. Lovely. Hunter has a crush on the adorable five year old girl who lives next door. Lately, hes been asking to make drawings and presents for her, which started me thinking of child… (via Bloesem Kids)
27 Fruity Valentine
Fruity Valentine (via Then She Make…)
28 Crayon Heart Pencil Toppers
Crayon Heart Pencil Toppers: Earlier this week I posted about candy pencil toppers. I received a comment from Diane who mentioned at her school they could not bring in homemade edibles, in fact it is a new state wide law. YIKES. She had a great idea to fill the molds with melted crayon. I think the crayon hearts make (via Skip to My Lou)
29 Fingerprint Frames
Fingerprint Frames: Valentine’s Day Fingerprint Frames are so much fun and inexpensive too! The perfect gift for mom, dad, or grandparents! (via Mom on Timeout)
30 Egg Carton Turned into a Heart
Egg Carton Turned into a Heart (via A Little Hut)
31 Heart Stamps
Heart Stamps (via Rust and Sunshine)
32 Crayon Hearts
Crayon Hearts: If the sun seems to peer right into your window, give it something pretty to look at — and through. These translucent hanging hearts are easy to make from waxed paper and crayons. In return, sunbeams will color your room with cheer. (via Martha Stewart)
33 Yarn Hearts
Yarn Hearts (via Family Chic by Camilla Fabbri)
34 Candy Box Picture Frame
Candy Box Picture Frame (via ljcfyi)
35 Heart Wreath
Heart Wreath (via Sippy Cup Mom)
36 Tissue Paper Stained Glass Hearts
Tissue Paper Stained Glass Hearts: Materials: Tissue Paper (pink, red, white) Construction Paper (pink, red, white) Clear Contact Paper Scissors To create this pretty stained glass widow hangings you will need start by cutting pink, red and white tissue paper in approximately 1/2 to 1inch squares. Note: a little goes a long way. Fold a sheet of construction paper in (via Wee Folk Art)
37 Valentines Puppy
Valentines Puppy: Materials Needed: Red, Pink, White, Black Construction Paper Scissors Glue Black marker Start by cutting out two big red and pink hearts from construction paper. Cut the pink heart in half to make the dogs floppy ears. After that cut out a smaller black heart for the nose and two little white hearts for the (via Crafty Morning)
38 Puffy Heart Wreath
Puffy Heart Wreath: I love wreaths almost as much as I love garlands! This Valentines Day craft is fun , easy to make and easy on your wallet. The foam hearts are super light and I was able to tape the wreath to a door in our house using only blue painters tape . Also if you want (via No Time for Flash Cards)
39 Owl Valentine Box
Owl Valentine Box: Here’s a peek at what the Valentines Day celebrations looked like at our house this year. Nothing fancy going on, but we’ve had lots of fun! Ive been sharing more regular updates via Instagram these days, so be sure to follow me over there! All photos taken and edited with my iPhone 5 We kept…Read More (via simple as that)
40 Conversation Hearts
Conversation Hearts (via Just Dip It In Chocolate)
41 Valentines Votives
Valentines Votives (via Homemade Serenity)
42 Simple Heart Banner
Simple Heart Banner: Ok. So right about now you might be thinking to yourself,huh, this project looks a little familiar and if you are, you’d be right.Using this same design, Ive created a St. Patricks Day and a Halloween banner and I just couldn’t resist doing one for Valentines day too! What can I say when I find something I…Read More (via simple as that)
43 Flowerpot Picture Holder
Flowerpot Picture Holder: Find the best information on valentine day crafts at Womansday. Find thousand of valentine craft ideas for the whole family. Check out our valentine day ideas project instructions. (via Womans Day)
44 Cup and Ball Lovebug
Cup and Ball Lovebug: Kids can make this cup and ball lovebug craft for Valentine’s Day or any time they want to make something for someone they love! (via Activity Village)
45 Patterned Hearts
Patterned Hearts: It was feeling like forever since the kids and I had done something crafty and as luck would have it, on my last trip to our storage unit, I stumbled upon some of our old art supplies! I brought them home with the intent to create something pink and valentines-y with the kids ASAP and…Read More (via simple as that)
46 Butterfly Tootsie Pop
Butterfly Tootsie Pop (via Eat Craft Parent)
47 Paper Heart Garland
Paper Heart Garland (via How About Orange)
48 Baking Cup Flowers
Baking Cup Flowers: Baking cup flowersmake wonderful Valentines. Isn’t it amazing that simple muffin cups can be turned into beautiful flowers? They perfect way to give your Valentine a sweet treat! Muffin Cup Flower Supplies green masking tape regular hole punch paper baking cups ( six for each flower) wire scissors Tootsie Pops or Dum Dum Suckers How (via Skip to My Lou)
49 3D Valentine’s Card
3D Valentine’s Card (via Juggling with Kids)
50 Rainbow Crayon Heart
Rainbow Crayon Heart: I saw this idea for crayon valentine hearts last year on my friend Ellie’s blog and have been waiting to try it ever since. Me and Matthew had a great time making these this afternoon. There is a great tutorial… (via Chef Messy)
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