Foods You Can Grow At Home
Not only would you have an endless supply of free fresh fruit and veg ready to pick and eat, you would also know your produce was free from harmful insecticides and pesticide.
SIDE NOTE: Would you like to learn how to grow enough food to feed a family of four in just four square feet – even if you don’t have a garden? Download “Growing Up: The Ins & Outs Of Up & Down Gardening” for a complete DIY system.
So get those green fingers ready and start growing these 10 surprising foods…
Avocados – This detailed method and demonstration will allow you to grow beautiful avocodoes in your own home.
Blueberries – They are one of the most antioxidant rich foods in the world and have been found to fight against cancer, aid brain health and preserve vision among many other things.
Pomegranate – Start these little beauties off indoors and once ready transfer into your garden.
Oranges – If you nurture these small seeds and take care of them, these will grow into a perfect orange tree – providing you with bundles of vitamin C.
Grapefruit – Transform a tiny seed into a beautiful grapefruit plant.
Lemons – It’s so simple to do, it needs very little equipment and just a single seed from an organic lemon.
Limes – A lengthy process, but such a treat when complete.
Banana – They are surprisingly easy to grow, you will save plenty on your shopping bill and the kids will love eating something they have grown.
Pineapples – By using the top of a pineapple you can grow a whole pineapple tree.
Tangerines – All you need is a suitable container, quality potting soil, and dedicated cultural care to help to ensure you grow a healthy regular fruit producing plant.
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