Privacy Ideas That’ll Keep Your Neighbors From Snooping

We’ve searched the internet for a variety of creative ways you can shield your patio from the prying eyes of your neighbors, or anyone else who might be passing by.

We hope these ideas spark your creativity!

Galvanized Tubs with Tall Plants – Planting tall reeds or grasses in a galvanized tub is an easy way to add a screen between your  patio and prying eyes, without waiting for trees or hedges to grow. These plants grow quickly and need little care.

Water Feature Sound Barrier – Usually, we think of privacy screens as visual, but a sound barrier is another essential part of having a private backyard relaxation area. It’ll help drown out some of the background noise of living in a subdivision.

Rustic Privacy Screen – This rustic double-sided screen obscures passerby’s view of your patio, while still allowing air to circulate throughout your seating area.

Wood and Aluminum Privacy Screens – The aluminum panels woven through these wooden screens add modern flair to the area, and reflect light into more shaded areas of your backyard.

Water Wall – These provide the best of both worlds when it comes to privacy. Not only do you have a large panel obscuring your neighbor’s view of your patio, but you also have a sound barrier and a great conversation piece.

Pergola With Built-In Bench – For an area away from the home, a pergola with a built-in bench is a great way to create a stand-alone visiting area without sacrificing shade, comfort, or privacy.

DIY Wooden Slat Wall – This simple wooden privacy wall is dressed up with hanging pots with white flowers. These can easily be constructed to hide eyesores or to block a view.

DIY Lattice Hanging Screen – Hanging a series of privacy screens adds elegance, and these panels are incredibly easy to construct and hang.

Tall Wooden Fence With Mirrored Trellises – A tall privacy fence can be dressed up with these mirrored trellises. They give the illusion of gaps in the fence and space that simply isn’t there.

Sheer Curtains – For poolside privacy, whether you need to quickly change or are a little uncomfortable in your swimming suit, curtains give you both the privacy you require and the airy cabana atmosphere you desire.

Natural Fiber Accordion Shades – Natural fiber shades are sturdier than curtains, and are less likely to be tossed about on a windy day.

DIY Closet Door Privacy Screen – For a more quaint, cottage atmosphere, repurposing closet doors into a privacy screen with hanging basket holders is a great solution. The screen is easily moved, and can act as a sunshade as well.

Painted Drop Cloth – Like the natural fiber shades, this drop-cloth solution is sturdy and durable, and won’t be tossed around in the wind. It isn’t see-through at all, and can easily be taken down and stored when not needed.

Living Privacy Wall – These lovely creations double as a privacy screen and as decoration. They’re functional, yet not an eyesore for you.

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