Amazing Recycling Crafts for Kids
DIY plastic bottle medusas – This is a very easy craft and good toy for little children. You have to use only a plastic bottle to make it.
Home made piggy bank
I love this idea! This piggy bank is made of plastic bottle. Really!
How to make paper mache
If you recycling paper, you can make paper mache. You can make a lot’s of crafts made from it. Use egg cartons and newspaper to make paper mache.
Here is a tutorial how to make paper mache: http://www.papiermache.co.uk/tutorials/how-to-make-pulp-ala-miranda-rook/
Paper mache crafts
You can see here 10 paper mache figure ideas. Watch and do them:
Cardboard castle for kids
This castle is made of kitchen paper roll and cardboard. If you paint it, it will seems like a real castle.
Pencil holder – recycled toilet roll
Using toilet roll and egg carton you can make a pencil holder. It can be an animal.
DIY Milk carton bird feeder
Sure you have at home milk. If the milk carton is empty don’t throw it out. Make this cute bird feeder.
Make drums made from recycled cans
If you use cans and balloons you can make little drums for kids. See how sound is made!
How to make little spiders – egg carton
Do you like these little spiders? I think they are very cute! They are made of egg carton.
Cute penguins – recycle plastic bottle
How cute are these penguins! If you like them make them at home!
Homemade galactic mask – made from milk bottle
If you like Star Wars make galactic mask using milk bottle! It’s a good fun.
More recycling ideas in 101 Craft ideas:
12 light bulb crafts
10 popsicle stick crafts
8 bottle cap craft
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