15+ Amazing Christmas Village Display Ideas

Whether your village is small or large, there are a few simple steps you can follow to create any Christmas village display. Keep in mind the process of creating a Christmas village is fluid, meaning you may need to make some changes throughout the entire process to make everything fit and look great.

1. Half Tepee

via: pinterest.com

2. Table Runner

via: instagram.com

3. Book Shelf

via: pinterest.com

4. Kitchen Window

via: pinterest.com

via: pinterest.com

A full Christmas village set, with lots of pine trees on your kitchen window and holly garlands above, will make your kids compete for that dishwashing job.

5. Ladder

via: pinterest.com

6. Snowman

via: smartschoolhouse.com

7. Glass cabinet

via: oscarbravohome.com

8. Wooden Crate

via: pinterest.com

9. Dresser Cabinet

via: thriftydecorchick.com

10. Snow Capped Handrail

11. Christmas Village Tree

via: goodshomedesign.com

12. Steel rack

via: dining-delight.blogspot.com

13. Mantle

via: addicted2diy.com & woodshopdiaries.com

14. Wooden box tray

via: findinghomefarms.com

15. Tree slices

via: pinterest.com

16. Sofa backdrop

via: tulsatinystuff.blogspot.com

17. Above cabinets

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