15 Amazing Rock Painting Ideas

Check out these 15 rock painting ideas that will have you digging for brushes and setting decorative rocks on every spare window sill and mantle piece!

1. Polka dots, spirals, and wiggly lines

One Perfect Day

2. Owl rocks


3. Bright, shiny heart rocks

Blooming on Bainbridge

4. Intricate Bohemian heart rocks

Inspire Bohemia

5. Fine white details

Funnel Cloud.

6. Simple colour blocked hearts

7. Googly monster rock magnets

Coast Always

8. Fine, intricate pebbles

Tumblr in Illustration

9. Basic shapes and letters

Red Bow Studios

10. Outdoor doodler rocks

Creative Jewish Mom

11. Cartoon critters

Heart Art

12. Realistic animals

Lin Wellford.

13. Chalkboard message rocks

B3 Home Designs

14. Lady bug rocks

Passengers on a Little Spaceship

15. Tic Tac Toe rock garden game


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