Fantastic DIY Garden Ideas
Check out these fantastic diy decorating ideas with rope, and most of these rope home decor projects you could easily DIY yourself.
Do you have an old bike in your attic you just can’t part with? Try filling the front basket with flowers for an unusual bicycle planter. This is such a simple idea for DIY yard art for a garden. ~ image via Pinterest.
How darling are these horse planters?! They are sure to be a topic of conversation at your next barbecue. The kids will love to help with this project.
Words can not describe how much fun this frog tire planter is! Made from old tires and a little paint this afternoon project is almost free. This is sure to brighten your day right when you step outside! ~ image via Pinterest.
Golf Ball Lady Bugs would be adorable and fun for any yard!!
Everyone needs a garden angel watching over them. This angel made from an old shutter and other items you may have laying around the house or easily found at an antique market. This would be such a nice touch of DIY art to your garden or flowerbed.
Do you have any old toy trucks that you just can’t part with? Keep them forever in your flower bed as a truck planter. You may even save some tears from your kids when you clean out the toy bin! Even new toy trucks look adorable full of flowers! Try it this spring. ~ image via Pinterest.
Have a tree stump? Turn it into a gnome home or fairy house with a few simple garden accents! ~ image via Pinterest.
How cool is this for beautiful yard art? Illuminated planters add some light to your yard would add such amazing ambiance! This is a must on the to do list. Don’t want to purchase new pots? Try painting them with glow in the dark paint. ~ image via Pinterest.
I love these flower pots that change colors!
Have you ever wondered what to do with an old BBQ pit? How about throw a coat of paint on it and turn it into a grill planter. Now this is fun!
Who says you need an actual garden to make beautiful yard art? Most of us have old furniture that we just can not part with. Well now you don’t have to! Fill up the old drawers with pretty plants and flowers and stick it outside. What a way to make a statement.
Have fun with logs for some DIY yard art with Log Train Planters! Make your own planters from real wood logs or buy ready made log planters for a super cute garden. ~ images via Pinterest.
How darling would this little guy be in your yard? Not only is he cute but he has a big heart too. A Tin Man made from things you probably have at home already. No time to do it yourself? We found one on Amazon here -> Tin Man Garden Statue.
Make a wishing well planter from old tires! What a cute DIY yard art idea. It only takes some paint, wood and roof tiles. Pretty cute! ~ image via Pinterest.
Make simple Mushroom Yard Art out of old mixing bowls! Spray paint them colors, add some dots and attach to tree branches. ~ image via Pinterest.
How adorable would a toy train garden be for little ones! This would be a fun spring project with kids!
A colander flower planter is such a fantastic idea! With the holes already in it you don’t have to worry about drainage. If you have an old one, a quick coat of paint in a bright color can bring it back to life! Adding spoons for a hanging wind chime planter is adorable too!
A DIY Hubcap Flower Garden can brighten up any yard! (found via Pinterest source unknown)
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