Great PVC Pipe Projects for Kids
As I looked for some inspiring ideas of what to do I found myself wanting to not only use my leftover pipe for some fun projects but I wanted to go buy more.
1. Make a bike rack to keep kids’ bikes organized in the backyard.
2. Pipes parking garage for toy cars.
3. Clever use of tubes for creating shade over lawn that moves with sun.
Tutorial —-> myhappycrazylife.com
4. It is easy to make a soccer goal like this. Let your kiddie be able to practice soccer at home.
Tutorial —-> sixsistersstuff.com
5. Backyard sprinkler. Kids would love playing with it in hot summer days.
Tutorial(1) —-> lindsayandandrew.blogspot.com
Tutorial(2) —-> cometogetherkids.com
6. Enjoy cozy outdoor time with this swing made with weaved rope and pvc tubes.
Baby Swing.
Source unknown.
7. Send water or sand down these cool tubes and funnels.
Tutorial —-> frugalfun4boys.com
8. Create a toy periscope with a milk carton and two mirrors and some pipes.
Tutorial —-> instructables.com
9. Build a kiddie backyard garage to parking their toys & cars.
Tutorial —-> momendeavors.com
10. Love the fun of playing in the indoor ball pit?
Tutorial —-> cupofautism.blogspot.com
11. Backyard archery is a cool game for children. And bows and arrows can be easily made by yourself.
Source Tutorial —-> skiptomylou.org
12. Make a lovely toddler chair.
Tutorial —-> quelinda-crafts.blogspot.co.uk
13. Clean up kids’ cozy coupes with this cute carwash.
Tutorial —-> momendeavors.com
14. What a great idea to make a kid’s hammock hanging out in the front seat of a car.
Tutorial —-> thesamba.com
15. It would be perfect reading nook or play house for kids.
Tutorial —-> angryjuliemonday.com Source
16. Children will love this swinging nerf targets made out of some plastic cups.
17. Go for a DIY cars race track.
18. This sand and water table is prettier than a store-bought version.
19. A fabric teepee is a fun gift for kids of any age.
Tutorial —-> sawdustgirl.com
20. Toddler bed canopy made from pvc pipe.
Tutorial —-> gluesticksblog.com
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