How To Keep Mosquitoes Away By Burning Coffee Grounds

This method will blow your mind, it’s free, eco friendly and it can be used indoors and outdoors. It really works!

All you need is used coffee grounds. What family doesn’t have old coffee grounds lying around right? Well put them to good use by making this incredible mosquito repellent. Soon your home will become a mosquito free paradise!

Simply follow these steps:

  1. Dry out your used coffee grounds by placing them in a bowl, cover with aluminum foil and store in a cool dark place.
  2. Once dried, empty them onto a flat surface, you can use a plate covered in foil.
  3. Now all you do is burn the coffee grounds like you would incense.

The intense smell from the burning coffee grounds will upset those smell-sensitive critters and they will stay well away, make sure you put your burning coffee plate in a central area so they leave you and your family alone.

If you are hosting a gathering, why not place several of these repellents around your garden so your guests can enjoy being outside in peace.

Watch this video for the full method and instructions:

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