How To Upcycle Old Sweaters Into Something Adorable

Sweaters are an excellent piece of fashion, but often times they quickly go out of style. They can also shrink or get worn and pill up (pilling are those little fuzz balls that build up on sweaters and knit materials that more you wear them), maybe a hole forms, there could be any number of reasons that you can’t wear a sweater anymore. But what do you do with it?

Throwing it away seems like such a waste and it might not be in any condition to donate it, why not refashion it? Upcycle those old sweaters into some fantastic and new! This list is a great introduction to the countless projects that reuse sweaters in ingenious ways!

Easy Sweater Lampshade – If you are looking for a quick and easy way to dress up a lampshade or you just want a quick project and have a sweater lying around that you don’t wear, try this out! You will love the resulting soft look of your “new” lampshade.

Patchwork Blanket – Like t-shirt blankets and quilts, this is a great way to make use of old sweaters you still enjoy without having to get rid of them completely!

Sweater Pillows – This tutorial has several great pillow covers made and embellished with sweaters! Minimal sewing means you can have these done in a jiffy!

More Sweater Pillows – Here are a few more sweater pillow ideas in case you didn’t get enough from the first post! You will be cozying up with these pillows in no time!

iPad Cover – Make yourself a quick and easy iPad cover or give it away as a gift! The embellishments can be customize to fit your personal style or if you have a patterned sweater it could be perfect as is.

Sweater Candle Holders – Make these simple but attractive candle holders for around your house, or set them up as a charming table centerpiece as in the image! It’s so easy you will wonder why you never thought of this before.

Cowl & Boot Socks – Make yourself a fashionable buttoned cowl and some boot socks to match out of the same sweater with this easy-to-follow tutorial! You will want to wear these all winter once they are done!

Sweater Boots – These adorable sweater boots are an excellent way to keep your feet cozy around the house during cold weather and they are really easy to make!

Upcycled Boot Socks – Have some sleeves left over from another project? Turn them into thick and cozy knee-high socks! These are so easy to make you might have to stop yourself from going after all your sweaters.

Hooded Scarf – This hooded scarf is super stylish and adorable! You can wear it in so many ways that it will go with any winter outfit or jacket. Bring on the snow!

Pom Pom Sweater Hat – Make these cute sweater hats for your kids with their old sweaters that they’ve grown out of so that they can continue to enjoy them for years to come!

Smitten – Sweater + Mitten = Smitten, clever! These mittens are so easy to make that you will be giving them to everyone that you know as Christmas gifts. They are so cute and simple, you won’t be able to stop!

Rugged Sweater Boots – Dress up some worn out cowboy boots, or other booties, with a bright sweater like this ingenious tutorial shows. It will feel like you got a brand new pair of boots.

Sweater Scarf – Here is an even simpler scarf tutorial that is nearly foolproof! This looks great with highly textured sweaters to make it look even more cozy and show off the designs.

Sweater Bracelets – These look so attractive and fashionable! The best part is that you can have this done in a few minutes and it requires absolutely no sewing.

Sweater Mittens (Take Two) – Here is another version of the sweater mittens that are even simpler to make! They look so warm and cozy and you can have them finished in no time.

Fingerless Mitts – If mittens aren’t your style, try your hand at making these handy fingerless gloves! These are great for around the house while working on projects, reading, or anything really.

Sweater Mini-Skirt – Turn that old sweater into a brand new piece of clothing that you will love with this quick and easy tutorial for a cute sweater mini-skirt!

Sweater Ornaments – These sweater ornaments make perfect Christmas gifts for a cute and personal present! Colored sweaters or colored thread will make them even more fun.

DIY Sweater Wine Wrap – Make yourself some reusable gift wrap with this sweater wine wrap. Everyone will enjoy being able to reuse it over and over again!

Sweater Wreath – Create a cozy wreath for your home with this simple tutorial. The embellishments can be anything you want, but these felt flowers and pearl beads look particularly classy!

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